Don't you hate it when people get upset at your messages all because they misinterpreted it?? It's not like they really can understand your tone after you hit send. You almost have to become a mind reader or just maybe …
Hey there cracker fans, are you getting irritated by the nonsense of those Disrespectful and Ignorant people?? Well I know that I am, and if you tune into this episode, I'm sure you'll agree with my frustrations that I've faced. …
Yeah I said it, Y'all Braindamaged. Why?? Well cause Cancel Culture is taking over, people don't know what gender they are anymore and all these pronouns to distinguish everyones's differences?? WTF!!! Listen in as I pick apart...
Don't you hate trying to date in this day n age?? Compared to dating before the internet, I think these apps are ruining dating. It used to be easy to talk to the opposite sex, now not so much. Listen …
Hey everyone, sorry about the little break I had to take, but I'm back! Hitting up season 2 talking about where I was and what happened. Tune it to get the scoop and a laugh or two... Thanks for tuning …